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Linkedin ads

LinkedIn is a social media network that sometimes gets overlooked in marketing strategies, but can be an excellent advertising tool. LinkedIn currently has over 450 million registered users and 106 million unique users each month. They offer pay per click, cost per impression and cost per send advertising options. What makes LinkedIn ads especially interesting for business marketing is that users network around their careers rather than their personal lives. It’s ideal for professionals looking to share data or articles they find important. This creates unique niche audiences that may be perfect targets for your website or business audience.

Boost Your Business Through LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is exceptional for business-to-business (B2B) marketing thanks to the ability to market to specific groups based on a variety of job-related criteria. For example, you can market to particular industries or companies above a certain yearly revenue. You can also target employees at specific ranks within companies. This is especially helpful if you wish to reach personnel with ideal levels of influence or decision-making power like hiring or purchasing.

Digital Firefly Marketing helps launch campaigns through the LinkedIn advertising platform. During this process, we:

  • Identify your ideal audience within the LinkedIn network.
  • Craft engaging advertisements so they notice your business.
  • Budget wisely to ensure a return on your investment.
  • Monitor the success of your campaign.
  • Adjust your ads to facilitate continued business growth and networking.

Pinpoint Pay Per Click Targeting for Businesses

If you craft your advertisements wisely and target the right audiences, LinkedIn is one of the best B2B marketing options available. For example, if you are a website designer, it allows you to market your services specifically to CMOs. If you sell IT services, you’re most likely to get a response if IT directors see your ads. In addition to promoting this sort of profession-related niche marketing, LinkedIn can help you establish yourself or your business as an authority in your industry.

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