Del Bosque Farms

Del Bosque Farms is a family-owned agriculture company that grows both organic and conventional crops sustainably. Their primary work growing organic crops include asparagus, cantaloupes and other melons. They also grow almonds and cherries in their San Joaquin Valley location where the climate is ideal. Del Bosque Farms specializes in preparing their produce to ship right from the fields. For example they pack and palletize their cantaloupes immediately after each harvest. This allows the fruit to chill quickly before transport to grocery stores around the country.
Commitment to Safety
Del Bosque Farms is dedicated to food safety. Using good agricultural practices helps prevent contamination of both soil and water. When Del Bosque Farms uses pesticides on conventional crops it is in strict accordance with state and federal EPA regulations. This prevents harmful levels of residue on produce. Additionally they use a comprehensive food safety program to prevent human contamination on any of its products.
Digital Firefly Marketing and Del Bosque Farms
Digital Firefly Marketing began working with Del Bosque Farms during the spring of 2018 to design a new website for their company. DFM uses a step-by-step process of research, design and coding to customize each of their clients’ websites. Using WordPress as the content management system, DFM created a website with their customers in mind. Visitors can learn about the sustainable farming process and also understand where their produce comes from. Contact us today to have your website design and digital marketing questions answered.