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IKnow – Knowledge Management

leading knowledge management firm Iknow LLC

Leading management and technology consulting firm Iknow LLC is headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey. Since 2001, they have served clients with a unique brand of problem solving and information management. Their clients include a wide range of businesses, governments and nonprofit organizations. The consultants at Iknow use their expertise to deliver knowledge and improve client performance. Additionally, they foster personalized relationships with all their clients. This is one of many reasons they stand out among other consulting firms.

Iknow LLC: A Trusted Advisor

Iknow gains the confidence of its clients through their professional expertise coupled with their passion for knowledge management. A blend of technology, strategy and experience in the industry is the winning combination for their diverse clients. Specifically, here are some of the ways Iknow helps their clients succeed:

  • By capturing, reusing and saving knowledge
  • Through knowledge-sharing, knowledge-based innovation and collaboration
  • By extracting information and insights from data
  • With team-building and increasing the efficiency and quality of decision making and processes

Their team of senior consultants includes several former heads of knowledge management firms. Above all, knowledge management is a crucial part of every successful organization. It utilizes a broad set of methods, practices and technologies. These then help groups reach their goals by transforming data, experience and know-how into results. In fact, Iknow experts are confident that effective knowledge management betters any organization. From increases in productivity to employee satisfaction rates, clients see great improvements.

Digital Firefly Marketing & Iknow

Digital Firefly Marketing manages Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Iknow. By developing strategies that capture their target audience, our experts identify keywords that boost visibility. Furthermore, we monitor analytics and regularly update keywords to stay on top of trends. Establishing and maintaining good SEO practices is critical to online success. To increase traffic and grow your business contact us today for a free audit.