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October 9, 2013

Using Large Events To Promote Your Social Media

promote social media

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?!?!?! All of us here at Digital Firefly Marketing are big NFL fans. For some, our team choice may not be the favorite of others but we have all stuck by our teams through the highs and lows. But in the end for us here at DFM, it’s all about SEO and Social media… and trash talk.

So in the joyous event of the NFL preseason starting and the regular season around the corner, a question you may ask is “how can I root for my team and benefit from the event?” The answer is simple, basically the same principle of my blog about using social media to promote an event. The more social presence and updates you put out the more you will bring in. In this situation, however, you don’t have to be directly involved to get your name out there. For example we made a few ‘keep calm’ graphics and will be posting them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Keep calm and go Redskins promote social media

keep calm and go dolphins keep calm and go raiders

By creating a buzz around your favorite teams you can potentially benefit and a number of ways. More followers on twitter, page likes and shares on Facebook, Pinterest followers and re-pins, and even links back to your page. Yes, you can rep your favorite team and get some extra buzz going on in the process. All in all a satisfying feeling, unless of course your team looses. In that case it’s a bittersweet victory.

Good luck to all the teams in the NFL this season, but a very big good luck to the Washington Redskins… I wrote the blog so I get put a special shout to my team… don’t judge me. HTTR!

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