Individuals and organizations can be the victims of photoshop ploys. Today’s technology makes it easy to take someone’s image and deface it. This is done in jest, while other times for nefarious purposes. Some web groups find great pride in having such content overtake your search results. If you have been subject of an attack, you can’t fix it alone. You will need reputation management as a result of the attack. Digital Firefly Marketing has experts in removing defaced content.
Identifying Defaced Content
DFM’s experts move swiftly by first gathering information about your defaced content so they have deep understanding of the issue. In addition to this, if you know of specific sources or types of such content share them. Next, the reputation management experts begin the removal process. We may encounter items such as:
- Defaced photos
- Altered company logos
- Misrepresented information
- Misattributed quotes
- Defamatory statements
- Libelous content
After searching we may find other false and defamatory. If we identify these items then we will begin the removal process.
Removal of Defaced Content
Digital Firefly Marketing aims to remove as much defaced content as possible. We also focus on removing the most visible defaced content first.
We investigate each instance of defaced content and take the appropriate measures. In some cases, it’s enough to alert Google or the website owners with formal removal requests. In contrast, we sometimes have to resort to options like DMCA takedown requests and cease and desist letters.
Most noteworthy, following the removal requests Digital Firefly Marketing will monitor the sites for compliance.