How to Set a Table for Easter Dinner
How to set a table for Easter dinner is a departure for us. Why? For a couple reasons:
- We want to give back
- Shamelessly, we are using a holiday for a keyword spike which is sometimes known as newsjacking.
- We started doing this in late 2011 for how to set a thanksgiving table and now every holiday we end up getting spikes in traffic before any holiday.
So how do set a table for Easter dinner? Let’s start with a diagram:
For example:
- Lose the soup bowl and soup spoon if you aren’t having soup
- The utensils always go from the outside in depending on the course. So first course is on the outside and last course is on the inside. My family will always eat salad after the dinner so you can move the salad fork to the inside of the dinner fork
- Napkins can be placed on the plate as well instead of on the left
- Dessert plates which aren’t pictured can be stacked up by the desserts.
- The traditional Easter color is yellow which can be used in the napkins and plate trim. White is also a traditional Easter color.
- For the center of the table you can use flowers such as lilies or tulips. Any spring bulb flower is fair game.
OK, so beyond providing some information on how to set your table for Easter, we also wanted to highlight this practice called newsjacking. By watching the news or putting up stories around holidays, we are looking to get into the Google search results simply because we are making a guess that this term will get traffic and people will find it interesting enough to link to. This is becoming a fairly common practice as a means for websites and brands continue to stay front of mind and provide information to their customers. Is there a risk? Yes, because you are going after an audience that may not be near your core demographic. However, the risk is fairly low and you never know, you may actually find a visitor who finds your stuff really cool.