What is a Press Release and Why are they Important?

Press Releases are an integral part of any organization’s marketing strategy. But what exactly is a press release? And is it useful in today’s world of mobile internet, social media, and blogs? The answer to these questions is an unequivocal yes!
What’s a Press Release?
A press release, according to Wikipedia, is “a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy.” Not too long ago submitting a press release required an organization to have substantial contacts within the media community to have any chance of achieving notoriety.
However, as the nature of the media has evolved, so have the means to send out press releases. With the wide spread of internet marketing, companies can leverage multiple advertising techniques. This should be done in order to keep their current customers and potential customers up to date. The benefit is that companies of all sizes can utilize these techniques.
The Importance of Press Releases
Internet Marketing Company’s Russell Rabichev wrote a new blog, discussing the importance of press releases to small businesses. “Online Marketing Companies are helping small business transition from paying a lot of money for traditional, print advertising, to paying less, and seeing more results with online marketing. Press releases are an integral part of the marketing campaign of any business.”
“Quality press releases play an important role in converting normal inquiries into sales. Ultimately, providing keyword-rich and informative content is necessary. This is important in order to make an impact with your potential clients who are looking for information related to your niche,” Rabichev stated.
Rabichev outlined what every successful press release should have, “a well-worded press release headline may contain keywords related to major themes of your news. Throughout the text, including high volume keywords and phrases without altering the tone of the release, will not only grab the attention of your target readers, but is also extremely important for SEO purposes.”
“Use of targeted keywords as anchored hyperlinks pointing back to your website in press releases ensures an SEO boost. Embedding hyperlinks into your release is a great way to increase your rankings. Additionally, it’s a great way to drive traffic to your website,” Rabichev continued.
Furthermore, Rabichev stated that “adding a multimedia image or video to your release will not only make your news release more graphically pleasing, but it will also index the releases in image search engines like Google and Yahoo!, and create more visibility for your website.”