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October 9, 2013

Reflections on Forty Years Old

forty years

Today is my fortieth birthday.

On Friday the 13th none the less.

It’s hard to believe that I am this old. How did it happen? How did time go by so quickly? Wasn’t I just 23?

The hardest thing to fathom at this point in my life is the time. Where did it go? How did I get here so quickly?

Forty years oldYet, with a moment of pause, it’s not hard to see that the years and experiences pile up quite quickly and deliciously A moment taken with friends and all of sudden we are transported back a few years and time seems to pile up and it’s hard to believe I have lived such a rich life in 40 years. Where did the years go…they went day by day and they all had memories, some good, some bad but all rich in the storytelling.

These days you can feel the slow decline. It’s different than 30 when you still felt the blurs and peaks of 20. Less hair here, more hair there. Aches and pains when you pop out of bed in the morning are just another reminder you aren’t getting any younger, but you are still here and have things to do.

However, having a young daughter and young business, is somewhat like feeling reborn. Standing in the backyard and catching fireflys with my daughter brings me all the to being her age when the firefly lights up their butt. Butts, Daddy, light up butts…and I can’t help but smile.


Shouldn’t I be dead?

Nope. Just a little bit creakier in the joints but youthful in vision. I may be forty in body, but my mind tells me I am at least 28.

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