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October 9, 2013

Do Facebook Ads or marketing lead to sales? Yes!

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Do Facebook Ads lead to sales?

facebook adsSome interesting data came out today on Facebook ads from ComScore helping to answer the question do Facebook ads or marketing lead to sales? The answer appears to be yes. ComScore did some analysis of some data from some pretty big brands like Starbucks and Target.

The data breaks down as follows:

  • Users who saw an unpaid message from Starbucks, meaning a post, bought coffee 38% more often than those who didn’t see the post. This suggests that promoted posts which Facebook released a couple of weeks ago may be a good investment to keep your posts in the News Feed of your audience
  • Facebookers who saw paid ads, those ads to the right of all content, made an online purchase 56% more often.
  • Facebooks own research shows $3 returned for every $1 spent on advertising

Still there are going to be detractors. This always happens. Same thing happened with Google when they started touting AdWords and Google laughed all the way to the bank.

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