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October 9, 2013

What is Owned Media?

What is Owned Media?It seems sometimes that marketing, particularly digital marketing, has it’s own language. Some terms are not intuitive to those without a marketing background. In addition, internet marketing is a fast-moving, ever-evolving field. One question we often hear is: what is owned media?

Owned media is a channel that a brand or company promotes that it also controls. Some examples of owned media are the following:

  • Websites
  • Mobile Apps
  • Blogs
  • Twitter Accounts
  • Facebook Pages

These are company-owned assets used as megaphones to promote their content. This is different from “earned media,” which includes content that fans create, as well as paid advertisements.

These are valuable assets to any company and it’s important to use them wisely.

Owned Media Strategies

  • Make sure websites are properly indexed so they’ll be found by the search engines. This is one of the cornerstones of good SEO.
  • Use dynamic content and mobile style sheets to keep your apps up to date and mobile sites engaging on smaller screens.
  • At minimum, update your blogs weekly. Nothing looks worse than an orphaned blog. You’ll get fewer visitors because people will assume you have abandoned your site.
  • Post to your Twitter and Facebook pages regularly so you can continually build an audience who may one day create earned media.

Like any asset of a company, you need to continually maintain your owned media to maximize your return on either the dollars you paid or the sweat you put into it.

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